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Hi, Expats!

I'm Terry Chang, a member of RentCorea team, spcialised in finding homes, commercial real estates, and providing relocation services for foreigners and expats in Seoul, South Korea.

We are part of Tae Young Real Estate Group which has wide coverage, operating seven branches across Seoul since 1998.

Our office is located in the main branch of Tae Young Real Estate Group in Seongbuk-Dong, Seoul.

We have a wide range of listings from top luxury houses and villas to affordable residential properties. We have a lot more properties than those posted on this blog and homepage for you to choose from.

We ensure that all our clients are satisfied with our service by providing on-going services even after the lease agreement ends.

If you have any questions, contact us anytime. We are always listening to you.

Homepage: www.rentcorea.com
E-mail      : terrychang2705@gmail.com 

International Call:
+82 2 730 0001     (Office)
+82 10 6672 2705 (Mobile)
+82 10 7192 6662 (Mobile)

Domestic Call:
02 730 0001
010 6672 2705
010 7192 6662